MBSImP Certified
Let our highly trained staff assist
you in creating appropriate
swallow strategies for your patients.

Registered NSS' MBSImP Clinicians
The Modified Barium Swallow ImpairmentProfile is a standardized approach to instruction, assessment, and reporting of physiologic swallowing impairment. MBSImP™ provides a protocol to interpret and communicate swallowing impairment objectivity, specifically, consistentently and accurately.
The Modified Barium Swallow Study, while a clinically useful tool,
remains a subjective test. We believe, however, that evidence
rather than opinion should guide clinical decision-making.
The Modified Barium Swallow Impairment Profile, or MBSImP, is
an evidence-based, standardization of the MBS study in adults.
The MBSImP assesses 17 critical components of swallowing and
provides an objective profile of the physiologic impairment affecting
adult swallowing function.
For the first time, the MBSImP provides the means for clinicians to
communicate MBS study results in a standardized, evidence-based
manner that is consistent, specific, and accurate.
Yes. The MBSImP was validated by a rigorous, five-year study. Analysis of research data indicated that the standardized MBSImP provides objective assessment possessing both inter- and intra-rater reliability greater than 80% when used by like-trained clinicians. The research was published in Dysphagia Journal in 2008. - VIEW ARTICLE
Studies of interest:
2012 Dysphagia
Radiation Exposure Time during MBSS: Influence of Swallowing Impairment Severity, Medical Diagnosis, Clinician Experience, and Standardized Protocol Use. - VIEW ARTICLE
2012 The Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology
Oropharyngeal and Esophageal Swallowing Impairments: Their Association and the Predictive Value of the Modified Barium Swallow Impairment Profile and Combined Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance-Esophageal Manometry. - VIEW ARTICLE
2013 Dysphagia
Preliminary Investigation of the Effect of Pulse Rate on Judgments of Swallowing Impairment and Treatment Recommendations. - VIEW ARTICLE
The call for evidence-based practices continues to get louder. The time has come for us to standardize the MBSS. We owe it to our patients to provide for them optimal care – care that is consistent, reliable, and supports evidence-based practices. We owe it to our profession to demonstrate the evidence needed to justify what we do to payors, patients, and to ourselves.
The MBSImP helps to provide:
Objective Assessment. Clinical decision-making should be based on evidence rather than opinion. Analysis of research data indicated that the standardized MBSImP provides objective assessment possessing both inter- and intra-rater reliability greater than 80% when used by like-trained clinicians.
Better Patient Care. Provide the best care for patients – care that is consistent, reliable, and supports evidence-based practices.
Efficient & Precise Communication. The standardized approach of the MBSImP provides a means for you “to speak the same language” as your colleagues within your facility as well as your colleagues in other facilities. Utilize consistent, specific, and accurate communication of patient status to other healthcare professionals through a common vernacular in assessment and reporting.
Professional Competency. Demonstrate your proficiency in the assessment and treatment of swallowing disorders.
Necessity of Skilled Services. Help to provide invaluable data to the MBSImP’s global data registry – data that will demonstrate the evidence needed to justify what we do to payors, physicians, patients, and to ourselves.
Research Data. Contribute to the first and only international data registry dedicated solely to swallowing dysfunction, providing an adjunct to research that has never existed, until now.